
All Orthodontic Results Are Not the Same

They All Get Your Teeth Straight but That’s Only the Beginning!

The Kinds of Things He Hears Are:

  1. My teeth are straighter, but my smile isn’t what I thought it would be.
  2. My teeth are straight, but they look kind of horsey.
  3. My teeth are straight, but I still have an overbite.
  4. My teeth are straight, but I can’t close my mouth all the way.
  5. I had treatment (Invisalign), and now I don’t know where to bite. I can’t find a place to bite that feels comfortable.
  6. I had Invisalign, and now my back teeth don’t touch.
  7. I had braces, and I felt my teeth move as soon as I took my retainer out.
  8. Do I really have to wear my retainer for the rest of my life?
  9. I had braces, and I feel like my doctor took them off too soon.

What most people don’t realize is that getting teeth straight has always been the easiest part of orthodontic treatment. Lots of people have straight teeth and terrible smiles. Lots of people have straight teeth and terrible smiles. Lots of people have straight teeth and bad bites. Also, most people don’t realize that moving teeth to the wrong place can lead to tooth loss, as well as major gum recession and disease problems. Moving teeth is actually quite easy. (Just ask anyone who sucked their thumb.)

Moving teeth to the right place for a great smile and healthy teeth takes an orthodontist who’s undergone 2-3 years of specialized training after dental school.

How Long Do Braces Take?

If you have friends who have had treatment, find out if they’re 100% happy with the results. Oftentimes, people are reluctant to admit that they might have chosen the wrong orthodontist or provider for their care.

Orthodontic Treatment

Mid-Line Discrepancy After Orthodontic Treatment

One possibility after treatment is that your teeth won’t end up completely aligned and don’t remain well-centered when you smile. This is a case of a mid-line discrepancy.

People who got braces to correct a bad bite or crooked smile may notice their teeth are not aligned, and even though most people suffer from this before their orthodontic treatment starts, some have it even after their treatment. Such a problem is usually indicative of a more significant problem related to the way your bite works.

Sometimes, the only way to achieve desirable results is to extract teeth during your treatment with braces. Consider that we can only juggle your teeth around in a direction as we aim to align them. As we do so, we have to consider how everything remains in relation to the size of your jaws and your other orofacial structures.

Orthodontist for Invisalign Treatment

Why You Should Choose an Orthodontist For Invisalign Treatment

Don’t let the above concerns scare you. With a great orthodontist, you can have a sensational smile, straight teeth, and comfortable oral function. You can love the results of the Invisalign treatment! Choosing the right Salem orthodontist is the first step– but how do you choose?

You may trust and adore your general dentist, but there are significant advantages to having an orthodontist for Invisalign treatment. Orthodontists have extensive training in treatments that straighten teeth. They understand potential complications, complexities, and how to deliver the best outcome for good long-term oral health.

Dr. John L. McDonald has decades of experience straightening teeth and has been a certified Invisalign provider for years — since the company started in the early 2000s.

What Else Can Help My Smile After Braces?

Some patients might seek additional treatment with a cosmetic dentist regarding veneers and dental crowns. Veneers are thin porcelain devices that dentists use to modify the front side of a tooth and enhance the appearance of your smile.

Likewise, crowns could help when your teeth have suffered physical damage as well. The process strengthens the structural integrity and enhances the appearance of your smile as well.

Even if these treatments don’t straighten teeth, they can complement your dental health situation and could be part of the solution you require.

Smile After Braces

Don’t Stop Using Your Retainers

Another way in which you can ensure your teeth remain straight after you finish your braces treatment is to wear your retainers without fault, as recommended by your orthodontist.

Not wearing a retainer enables orthodontic relapse. Please, make sure you also follow your orthodontist’s recommendations to keep all your hard-earned results.

What Questions Should I Ask an Invisalign Dentist?

It’s always wise to seek a second opinion before you choose your provider. When you visit your general dentist or an orthodontist, ask these questions to determine if they are experienced enough to provide you with the straight teeth you want, as well as a balanced bite for best oral health and comfortable function.

  1. What type of training did you receive to become an Invisalign Provider?
  2. How long have you provided Invisalign treatments?
  3. How many Invisalign treatments have you successfully completed?
  4. Do you have reviews from past Invisalign patients?
  5. Do you also provide traditional braces?
  6. Are you certain that Invisalign is the proper treatment for me?
  7. Have you experienced any problems with Invisalign treatments?
  8. How did you repair those problems?
  9. May I see the before and after images?
  10. Will you file my insurance claim?
  11. Midline of teeth not aligned after braces

Contact Your Salem Orthodontist Today

Salem Orthodontists have additional training, specifically in tooth movement and alignment. Ready to start your journey toward a perfect smile? Contact our Salem orthodontist’s office today by calling 503-585-5400 to schedule a consultation.


What To Do If You Don’t Like Teeth After Braces?

The best thing to do when you first notice your teeth are not straight after braces is to talk to your orthodontist about the treatment goals and what work is required. Though not typical, some patients may have had their braces removed too early, and you might have to resume your treatment.

How Should Teeth Look After Braces?

The main purpose of orthodontic braces is to achieve an ideal relationship between your jaws where there is a minor overbite, and your teeth are straightened out. However, results will vary from one patient to another as we are all unique.

Why Aren’t My Teeth Perfect After Braces?

This answer depends on how long after wearing braces you notice the imperfection. When patients don’t wear their retainers after having their braces removed, they may experience orthodontic relapse and see their teeth shift back into the wrong position.

What To Do if Unhappy With The Orthodontist?

This will depend on you. You can always look for a second opinion and decide if you wish to restart orthodontic treatment. You should document the results you are not happy with and decide if you wish to confront your orthodontist to demand a refund or partial refund.

How To Keep Teeth Straight After Braces?

All patients must comply with their orthodontist’s instructions to wear a retainer. Even after getting your braces removed, you can still suffer from orthodontic relapse. Please wear your retainers to prevent your teeth from shifting back to the wrong position and keep straight teeth after braces.

When Do You Start Wearing Rubber Bands For Braces?

To ensure your braces treatment is as efficient as possible, your orthodontist might recommend you use rubber bands and elastics after the six-month mark. This might still change from patient to patient, so make sure you as your orthodontist.

How Long For Braces To Straighten Teeth?

This really depends on several factors, but most patients see results between 6 months and 2 years. Make sure you get in touch with an orthodontist to get a better feel of how long it will take to get and keep straight teeth after braces.